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Our Services

Our range of services

We ensure that our technology and services create a high standard of modern dental care for our clients.

We Provide

It’s a great comfort to know you have a dental team you and your family can depend on to help you through new challenges and stages of life. Lougheed Family Dental welcomes people of all ages to our comfortable and friendly dental clinic. From babies and children to the elderly, our team provides caring and thorough general family dentistry to families in Lougheed.


Comfortable, Friendly Dentistry Designed for You

Our dental offices are designed to make you feel at home, and our team is ready to welcome you with friendly and patient-focused family dental services. We always strive to make sure your treatments are comfortable and efficient, and our team is always here to answer your oral health questions.

When your smile just doesn’t shine the way you’d like it to, cosmetic dentistry can help create a more balanced look. Updating the colour, shape, spacing, or size of the teeth can make a significant difference in how even and bright your smile looks.

Whether you’ve always wanted an update, or you have a condition that has caused the teeth to look misshapen, dull, or uneven, our range of cosmetic dental services in Lougheed allows us to completely customize your treatments. 


Composite Bonding in Lougheed

Our dental team can use composite bonding for a variety of small fixes for your teeth. Everything from cracks and chips can be repaired with the help of dental bonding. The process and materials are similar to those used to fill a cavity.

How Composite Bonding Works

Dental bonding uses a composite resin material that can be shaped and applied to the tooth. The resin can also be colour-matched to your existing teeth, ensuring a clean, almost invisible repair. Once your dentist has applied the material, it’s hardened using a special light, and the repair is complete.

What to Expect from Composite Bonding

Composite bonding requires only a single dental visit to complete. Once it’s done, you’ll be able to return to your usual routines (including eating and at-home oral hygiene) as soon as the anesthetic has worn off. You can care for your repaired teeth in the same way as before, ensuring to brush and floss every day to prevent further issues.


Dental Veneers in Lougheed

Dental veneers are a cosmetic dental restoration that allows the visible part of a tooth to be covered, creating a more pleasing look. Veneers can be created to alter the size, shape, colour, and spacing of the teeth.

How Veneers Work

Each veneer is a thin shell that is applied over the front side of a tooth and secured in place. The dental team at Lougheed Dental will prepare your teeth for veneers by removing some of the front enamel from the tooth (or teeth) to be covered. Once your veneers have been fabricated in a dental laboratory, you’ll return for another visit to have the veneers secured in place.

What to Expect from Veneers

With excellent care, veneers can last many years before requiring replacement. It’s important to avoid foods that can stain the veneers (such as coffee, red wine, and dark tea). Regular dental visits and a consistent at-home dental hygiene routine will also help you maintain your veneers and preserve your beautiful smile.

Tooth loss and weak teeth can have significant impacts on daily life. Chewing, speaking, and other activities are more difficult when the teeth are missing. Issues such as pain, bone loss, soft tissue loss, shifting of the nearby teeth, and other challenges can also arise when the teeth are missing.

Restorative dentistry aims to repair or replace weak and missing teeth so you can have a full bite, a full smile, and a full life. Repairing or replacing the teeth can be done in many ways, and the restoration you choose with your dentist will be personalized to you.


Dental Fillings in Lougheed

Dental fillings are used to repair weakened teeth. Most often, the teeth become weakened due to bacteria that causes holes in the tooth enamel (cavities). It’s important to repair a weakened tooth before a cavity or other type of damage allows bacteria into the tooth roots, causing an infection and possibly the loss of the tooth.

How Dental Fillings Work

To create a dental filling, your dentist will thoroughly numb the area being worked on, then grind down some of the tooth material around the affected area. After preparation, the cavity is filled with a composite resin material that can be colour-matched to your teeth. Your dentist will shape it, then harden it with a special light.

What to Expect from Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are one of the most common dental procedures, and they often prevent more serious issues from occurring. A filling (or multiple fillings) can often be completed in a single appointment, usually in about 45 minutes or less. You’ll be provided with a local anesthetic to numb the area being worked on. Once it takes effect, your dentist will clean out the area of the tooth and remove any damaged tooth material. Then, the filling will be applied and hardened in place. You can return to your usual activities (including eating and oral hygiene routines) as soon as the anesthetic wears off.


Dental Crowns in Lougheed

A dental crown is another type of restoration used to strengthen a weakened tooth. The dental crown acts like a helmet. It is a custom-created shell or “cap” that is secured over an existing tooth. While the natural tooth and tooth roots are still in place, the dental crown offers protection for the chewing and biting surface of the tooth.

How Dental Crowns Work

Before placing a crown, it’s necessary to grind down some of the natural tooth, allowing the cap to be placed on top and fit alongside the other teeth. After this preparation, your dentist will have the custom crown created in a dental laboratory. When it’s ready, you’ll return for an appointment to have the crown placed and secured.

What to Expect from a Dental Crown

Dental crowns may be used in a variety of ways, sometimes in combination with other restorative options. A crown may be used on its own to repair a tooth. It could also be used in a dental bridge or on top of a dental implant. Once your crown is placed, your dental team at Lougheed Dental will provide you with aftercare instructions specific to your situation. Mostly, a dental crown requires the same care as the natural teeth, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental care visits.


Dental Bridges in Lougheed

A dental bridge can help replace one or more missing teeth. The bridge replaces a natural tooth with an artificial tooth held in place over the gap left by the missing tooth. Dental bridges are a common and affordable way to restore a full bite when tooth loss is minimal.  

How Dental Bridges Work

As the name suggests, a dental bridge spans the distance where a tooth is missing. A bridge is secured on one side of the gap (or both), holding a dental crown in place over the gap. There are several types of dental bridges that can be created. Which type is used depends on several factors, including the health and stability of nearby teeth. Your dentist will provide you with the options that fit your needs.

What to Expect from Dental Bridges

After you’ve had a dental bridge placed, you may experience some tenderness in the area. You may also need some time to adjust to a change in the sensation of biting—your bite might feel “off” until you’ve adjusted. During the healing period (which typically takes about two weeks), you’ll need to be cautious while eating and cleaning the area. Our dental offices will provide you with more detailed aftercare instructions based on the type of bridge we’ve placed.

Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the soft tissue inside the tooth roots, which is known as tooth “pulp.” In endodontics, a dentist aims to save the natural teeth by treating issues that occur in the tooth pulp, such as infections. The most common treatment in endodontic care is root canal therapy.  

Root Canal Therapy in Lougheed

When a tooth’s roots become infected, a dentist can perform root canal therapy to clear out the infection and restrengthen the tooth. This process allows the natural tooth to be preserved with the support of a dental crown.

How Root Canal Therapy Works

For a root canal procedure, your dentist will use a drill to create a small hole in the top of the tooth being worked on. The hole allows the dentist access to the infected tooth roots. The soft tissue in the root canals is then cleared out, and the area is filled in with a substance known as gutta percha. Once clean and refilled, your dentist can seal the tooth and place a dental crown over top, restoring the tooth’s strength.

What to Expect from Root Canal Therapy

After a root canal, the affected area may be tender, swollen, inflamed, and sensitive. You’ll need to be gentle in that area when cleaning it and eating, avoiding hard and chewy foods until the healing process is complete. You’ll most likely need to return to our dental offices for a check-up once you’ve had some time to heal. The dentist will ensure all signs of infection are gone and assess your healing process.

Lougheed Dental has provided many patients with simple surgical procedures in our dental offices. Our dental surgical care is always aimed at helping you restore or maintain your oral health and contribute to better overall well-being, all while keeping you comfortable and informed during a surgical procedure.

Tooth Extractions in Lougheed

Although it is typically ideal to preserve the natural teeth in the mouth, there are some instances when a tooth cannot be saved. In these cases, tooth extraction allows the tooth to be cleanly removed from the mouth. A simple tooth extraction can be a quick and comfortable procedure performed in our dental offices in Lougheed.

How Tooth Extraction Works

Tooth extraction may sound daunting, but it is a relatively fast and comfortable procedure.

What to Expect from Tooth Extraction

Once the tooth is removed, there will be an open socket in the gums, which will require time and care to heal. You’ll need to stick to soft foods for the first few days and avoid using straws. Your dental team at Lougheed Dental will ensure you’re sent home with complete post-extraction instructions for optimal healing.


Wisdom Tooth Extractions in Lougheed

The wisdom teeth (known in dentistry as third molars) are teeth that form in the back of the mouth and do not emerge until late adolescence. Sometimes, these teeth do not come in properly, and leaving them in the mouth could cause potential problems. There are several reasons for this, most related to a lack of space in the mouth for another set of molars.

First, they may be impacted, meaning they will not erupt in the mouth and will become trapped under the gum line. Another reason to remove them may be because they are coming in at an angle or due to concerns about a patient’s ability to brush and care for them, leaving them vulnerable to cavities or gum disease.

How Wisdom Tooth Extraction Works

Lougheed Dental can perform simple wisdom tooth extractions at our clinic. Our dental team has experience in removing wisdom teeth for adolescents and adults. Before the procedure, we’ll take up to date x-rays of the teeth and mouth. The appointment may take an hour or more, and during that time, you’ll be kept comfortable in our dental chair with general anesthetic.

What to Expect from Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Depending on your specific situation, wisdom teeth can be extracted all at the same time or in multiple appointments. After the procedure, it will take some time for the anesthetic to wear off. It’s important to eat only soft or liquid foods for the first several days, such as soup, smoothies, and Jell-O. Your dentist will provide you with a full list of aftercare instructions and answer any questions you have before and after your appointment.

Dental implants are a restoration many people choose for a more permanent form of tooth replacement. The dental implant is made up of three components: a titanium post that is surgically implanted into the jaw, an abutment (a connector), and a dental crown (an artificial tooth).

How Dental Implants Work

The procedure begins with the implantation of the post, after which, several months will be required to allow the gums to heal around the implant. During this time, the implant will also integrate with the bone structure of the jaw. This provides a secure base for the restoration. Once the healing process is complete, the abutment and crown can be attached, leaving a new tooth where one was lost.

What to Expect from Dental Implants

There are some restrictions when it comes to dental implants, as the bones and gums in the mouth need to be healthy for the implant to properly integrate. If these conditions are not met, there may be options to restore the bones and gums with other procedures before the dental implants are undertaken. Once implants have been healed, the posts are permanent, while the crowns may need to be replaced over time as they wear.

To learn more about the benefits and risks of dental implants, or if you have been considering dental implant restorations, reach out to the Lougheed Dental team to book a consultation. We’ll assess your oral health and overall health and provide you with additional information about the procedure and what to expect.

Regular at-home dental hygiene is essential for everyone from children to the elderly, but any at-home routine should be supplemented with regular professional dental hygiene care. These appointments with our experienced dental hygienists will ensure you and your family have the best chance at preventative maintenance, potentially reducing the need for later, more intensive treatments.

How Dental Hygiene Therapy Works

While at-home dental care, such as brushing and flossing, removes common bacteria that can settle on the teeth and cause more serious issues, dental hygienists are able to remove harder substances, such as plaque, that build up on the teeth. We’ll clean your teeth above and under the gumline, helping to prevent common issues such as gum disease and cavities.

What to Expect from Dental Hygiene Therapy

When you visit our dental hygienists at Lougheed Dental, you’ll be treated to comfortable and thoughtful care. We take the time to walk you through what we’re doing and why at every stage of the appointment. Once we’re done, we’ll give you personalized tips and tools to take home with you so you can continue a great dental hygiene routine at home.

Prevention and Treatment of Gum Disease

A common and troubling ailment for many people is gum disease. In its early stages, gum disease can be treated easily, but as it progresses, it can create more serious issues, such as gum recession (loss of gum tissue), tooth infections, or even tooth loss. While prevention is the best method to deal with gum disease, there are very effective treatments for gum disease at all stages.

How to Prevent Gum Disease

The best course of action for any individual is prevention. If you do not have gum disease aim, we aim to reduce your chances of it beginning. Our dental hygiene services ensure your teeth and gums are in the best possible condition. When at home, taking care of your teeth and gums by brushing them and flossing them regularly goes a long way toward preventative maintenance.

How Gum Disease is Treated

If you already have gum disease, regular dental hygiene appointments can help us monitor its progress, reverse some of the negative effects, and decide whether more intensive treatment is necessary. We can perform several procedures in our offices to treat and sometimes even reverse the negative effects of gum disease. If you suffer from gum disease, be sure to visit our dental clinic in Lougheed for an oral examination.

Custom dentures can be created to replace some or all of the teeth. Dentures restore the look, feel, and function of the mouth and teeth. Today’s dentures are made from durable and comfortable materials, and are designed to stand the regular wear and tear they undergo on a daily basis.

How Dentures Work

Dentures may be partial or full. Partial dentures can replace several teeth, and are typically anchored to the remaining teeth. Full dentures can replace an entire arch of teeth, either on the top or bottom of the mouth. They are most commonly held in place by suction to the gums. The type of dentures you need and how they are secured will be determined after a thorough examination.

What to Expect from Dentures

Dentures are a comfortable and effective way to deal with tooth loss at any age. They can be removed from the mouth, allowing them to be cleaned overnight or between meals. While it can take some time to adjust to dentures, over time, they will restore a person’s ability to chew easily and speak clearly. They can also help fill out the face, which sometimes appears deflated or sunken in after significant tooth loss.

Laser whitening services help brighten your teeth in just a few visits. Many people opt for laser whitening before significant events, such as weddings, anniversaries, parties, graduations, family photos, or other celebrations.

How Laser Whitening Works

Laser tooth whitening treats stains and discolouration of the teeth. The process begins with a hydrogen peroxide solution being applied to the teeth. After this, a laser is pointed at the teeth to increase the whitening power of the solution.

What to Expect from Laser Whitening

Laser whitening is a treatment that is completed in our dental offices in Lougheed. You’ll come in for your treatment and have your teeth prepared by one of our experienced dental hygienists. We will make sure you’re comfortable, give you proper eyewear, and set your teeth up for the whitening process.

Sedation dentistry works well for patients who experience anxiety with a dental visit. The use of sedatives can help a patient relax, leading to a more pleasant experience for the patient. It can also help ensure a patient stays still during the procedure, leading to more effective treatments. Sedation can be used for patients of virtually any age and for many types of procedures. It’s important to speak directly with your dentist about how sedation dentistry can work for you and learn about your options. 

How Sedation Dentistry Works

Sedation dentistry can be delivered in several ways, depending on the preference of the patient, the level of sedation required, and the length of the procedures being performed. It can be delivered orally through a pill, via a mask with nitrous oxide (commonly known as laughing gas), or intravenously.

What to Expect from Sedation Dentistry

After being sedated, a person will remain conscious, but will feel relaxed and possibly sleepy. The person will be able to follow simple directions. Sedation often makes it difficult for people to remember a procedure after it has occurred. It’s important to arrange for a ride home before and after your appointment if you are receiving sedation (other than nitrous oxide sedation, which clears the system quickly).

The VelScope is a dental health tool we can use to assess the mouth for signs of oral cancer. This is an essential step in our regular oral examinations, allowing us to stay up to date on any concerning changes in the soft tissue of the mouth. Oral cancer can affect different areas of the mouth, including the tongue, cheeks, lips, hard palate, tonsils, throat, or gums. The early diagnosis of oral cancer can minimize the severity of the disease and allow treatments more time to work, making the VelScope an important tool in our dental practice.

How the VelScope Works

The VelScope tool allows us to analyze the soft tissue of the mouth to detect any abnormalities in the cells. The tool itself is a small scope that can be waved around the mouth. A blue light helps to visualize the natural fluorescence of the tissue, and any abnormalities can be easily seen by the dentist. The test only takes about two minutes to complete, and it is completed in conjunction with a gentle physical examination of the tissues of the mouth, head, and neck.

Zoom! uses hydrogen peroxide to break down stains on the teeth. The Zoom! method of treatment uses the highest concentration of peroxide gel (higher than laser teeth whitening and take-home teeth whitening kits). This provides a very rapid whitening process and is ideal for those who want to achieve significant results in a short period of time.

What to Expect from Zoom! Whitening

Some patients with tooth sensitivity may prefer the laser teeth whitening process over the Zoom! whitening process. Laser whitening tends to be easier on the teeth and leads to less sensitivity after treatment. If you have questions about which treatment type is best for you, contact our team at Lougheed Dental for a custom consultation.

Many people choose to get whiter, brighter teeth over time with the help of a take-home teeth whitening package. Dentist-provided whitening packages include a stronger whitening agent than those that can be purchased at a pharmacy. This leads to faster and more powerful whitening.

How Take-Home Teeth Whitening Works

Take-home teeth whitening kits are put together by your dentist, who can customize the formula to your needs. The formula is applied to trays that are placed over your teeth, usually for about an hour. You’ll be given detailed instructions about how to apply the whitening solution, for how long, and how it can be removed from the teeth after the treatment.

What to Expect from Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Take-home whitening kits are ideal for those who want to whiten their teeth over time and in the comfort of their own homes. They can also be used for convenient touch-ups between laser or Zoom! Whitening treatments. Take-home kits are also a more affordable whitening solution than in-office treatments.

Invisalign offers a popular and simple way to correct misalignments of the jaw and teeth (also known as malocclusions). The treatment is applied by

How Invisalign Works

Before Invisalign treatment, your dentist will assess your malocclusion to ensure you are a good candidate for the treatment. Invisalign works well for mild to moderate misalignments in the bite.

Before treatment begins, your teeth will be scanned using a digital oral scanner, which takes virtual impressions of your teeth. Your dentist will then plan out your treatment, determining which teeth to shift, when, and how much to obtain the desired outcome. 

After your custom trays have been created, you’ll begin wearing the first set of trays right away. It’s important that you wear the trays for upwards of 22 hours per day. Dentists recommend that they are left in while sleeping, and removed only to eat and to clean the trays and teeth.

Every few weeks, you’ll receive new trays to wear. Treatment continues for as long as is required to make the shifts in the teeth (typically at least 6 months, and often longer).

What to Expect from Invisalign

Invisalign is a desirable way to straighten the teeth thanks to the many benefits it offers, including:

  • A nearly invisible method of straightening the teeth.
  • The ability to remove the trays for events or photos.
  • The ability to remove the trays for easy cleaning and maintenance.
  • A comfortable method of straightening the teeth.
  • Fewer dental visits and adjustments than required from traditional orthodontic treatments.
  • Proven excellent results for most patients.

Invisalign is a customized treatment, which means details of your treatment (such as the length of treatment and cost of treatment) will be determined by your dentist after an examination.
